What Are The Processing Steps Of Garlic In Factory

Garlic is one of the most popular ingredients used in cuisines around the world. Known for its unique flavor and health benefits, garlic comes in many forms, including whole bulbs, cloves, and processed products such as powder, minced garlic, and garlic oil. While garlic can be easily grown and harvested in home gardens, most of the garlic consumed today is processed in factories. In this article, we will discuss the processing steps of garlic in factories, from harvesting to packaging.


Garlic is usually harvested in the summer months once the leaves have turned brown and the bulbs have fully formed. The timing of the harvest is crucial, as leaving garlic in the ground for too long can result in over-ripe and divided bulbs. After being harvested, the plants are cured for several weeks in a well-ventilated area until the outer layers of the bulbs are dry and papery.

Cleaning and Peeling

Once the garlic bulbs have been cured, they are gently cleaned using water to remove any dirt and debris. After cleaning, the bulbs are taken to a peeling machine that separates the cloves from the bulb’s outer layers. The machine uses a combination of air pressure and blades to peel the garlic without damaging the cloves.

Sorting and Grading

After being peeled, the cloves are sorted and graded based on size, color, and quality. Smaller cloves are typically used for minced garlic, while larger cloves are used for whole peeled garlic or roasted garlic products. The cloves are also inspected for any blemishes or defects that could affect the final product’s quality.


After grading, the garlic cloves are processed in various ways based on the intended use. For minced garlic, the cloves are minced finely and mixed with water or oil to form a paste. For garlic powder, the cloves are dried and ground into a fine powder. For garlic oil, the cloves are crushed and mixed with oil, which is then heated to extract the garlic flavor.


Once the garlic has been processed, it is packaged into jars or bags for shipping and storage. The packaging is designed to protect the garlic from moisture, light, and heat, which can all reduce the garlic’s quality and shelf life. Most garlic products are also labeled with nutritional information, allergen warnings, and cooking instructions.

In conclusion, the processing steps of garlic in factories involve harvesting, cleaning, peeling, sorting, grading, processing, and packaging. Each step requires careful attention to detail to ensure that the final product is of high quality and safe to consume. Garlic processing is an important industry that provides a wide range of products and benefits to consumers worldwide.

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